Looking for a way to visualize large datasets without compromising performance? Or maybe you’re just getting started with capitalizing on your geospatial data? Tune in to our upcoming webinar featuring CARTO & Snowflake’s newly released H3 functions.


Join Oleksii Bielov, Product Manager at Snowflake, and Marta Bescansa, Solutions Engineer at CARTO, to explore how you can get started with H3 and increase your spatial analysis up to 3x what was previously possible with standard UDFs.


You'll learn how to:


• Start capitalizing on geospatial data with H3


  • Get hands-on experience with a live demo with an example use case from the logistics space with connected vehicle data


  • Use low-code solutions to speed up your analysis even further with CARTO Workflows



Here are the slides to follow along!

