Today Outdoor Advertising is undergoing a resurgence with an expected 6.53% annual growth and spending in 2023 is projected to reach US$17.54bn.


OOH companies & agencies are increasingly turning to location analytics to build effective geomarkting strategies, using new types of geospatial data to ensure a higher campaign ROI.


In this webinar, Marta Bescansa, Solutions Consultant at CARTO, and Andrea McDonald, Product Director for WorldView at Experian, explore how spatial analytics and world-class data can come together to provide advertisers with valuable insights to drive better business decisions in this competitive market.


We take a deep dive into how CARTO's Location Intelligence platform and Experian's Worldview International Data work together to help advertisers analyse customer behavior, prioritise advertising locations, and make data-driven decisions.


  • You’ll learn:

 ● The benefits of using geospatial analytics for OOH advertisement with real-world use case examples.

 ● How to leverage CARTO and Experian data to gain insights into your audience data.

 ● Best practices for building effective geospatial analytics solutions with a live demo.

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A PDF of the slides of the presentation is also available to download here.
